1. 我们来自不一样的世界,也许会为了某个原因而分开。
We are from different world. Maybe they were separate for a reason
2. 如果我们坐视不管,他们会摧残我们!
If we do nothing, they will destroy us!
3. 问自己,为了信念,你可以做出多大的牺牲?
Ask yourself:what would you sacrifice, for what you believe?
4. 我需要你的帮忙,而且我希望可以信任你。
I need your help. And I wish I could trust you.
5. 你的英勇无法减轻你的痛苦。你的家人、你的世界最后将会全部灭绝!
Thor, your bravery will not ease your pain. Your family, your world will be extinguished!
6. 我会找到拯救所有人的方法。
I will find a way to save us all.
7. 有人些人相信,在开天辟地之前,空无一物。他们错了,到处充满黑暗,而且确实存在着。
Some believe that before the universe, there was nothing. They're wrong. There was darkness..and it has survived.
8. 我答应过你,就一定会回来找你。
I gave you my word, that I would return for you.
9. 我们没有时间了!
We're running out of time!
10. 洛基:你一定是真的走投无路才会来找我帮忙。
Loki:You must be truly desperate to come to me for help.
Thor:You should know that when you betray me, I will kill you.